ADJ 215 ASSIST Learn by Doing/ ADJ 215 ASSIST Learn by Doing/ | Page 10
of this policy or program? What might be done to improve the quality
of prevention for this crime?
ADJ 215 Week 9 Final Project Public Policy Implications of
Criminological Theories Powerpoint (UOP)
Week 9
Final Project: Public Policy Implications of Criminological Theories
Depending on the way that crime is interpreted, the public policy
implications change.Resources: Criminology and Appendix A
Create a PowerPoint® presentation outlining the public policy
implications of each of the criminological theories you have studied in
this course; rational choice theory (Ch. 4), trait theories (Ch. 5), social
structure theories (Ch. 6), social process theories (Ch. 7), social
conflict theories (Ch. 8), and developmental theories (Ch. 9). Include a
thorough overview of the policy implications of various theoretical
interpretations of crime. Include 18 to 24 slides and speaker notes that
describe, in detail, the content of each slide. Follow APA formatting
standards for PowerPoint® presentations. Use the Axia Library or the
Internet to identify public policies and their results. The content of the
slides must include the following: Definition of theory, Explanation of
how crime is interpreted according to the theory, Summary of policy
implications, Example public policy currently in effect, Results of the
public policy.Post your presentation as an attachment.