Adhara Catalogue | Winter 2017 1 | Page 43

It really is that simple , though we ’ re all really good at making things overcomplicated . When we introduce this level of scrutiny to our decisionmaking , even if we end-up coming from a selfish place 99 % of the time , we make an opening where there wasn ’ t one before .
The difference in putting this into action today is , creating that opening can have a ripple effect like never before in human history . We ’ ve all heard of the butterfly effect , but let ’ s go one step further .
If you come from love , how does that change that impact ? Put into practice , dropping a pebble in the water from love – let ’ s say as you watch the fish swim by while appreciating the nature around you – could help produce much needed rains half way around the world .
Or , throwing a pebble into the water from frustration – say , in reaction to a difficult conversation you just stormed out of – could help produce a typhoon instead . What impact would you choose to have ?
Whether you realize it or not , it is a choice , one of the thousands you ’ re making a day , and we can have that kind of impact if we decide to .
If we want to live our lives alive , conscious , awake and unplugged from the autopilot we may have discovered governs thousands of our daily decisions , we need to instead plug into what fundamentally connects all of us . Pull out the microscope . Go deep . What do we all share ?
Our cells are the same . Our desire for happiness and love , our want for connection transcends language , religion and country . Our humanity is our shared connection .
So start small . Make a Post It sized shift . Just like the subway therapy movement that ’ s colorfully taken over the blank white tiles across NYC ’ s Union Square station . One person ’ s search for human connection in the face of a contentious election led to thousands sharing words of kindness , compassion and love . From one Post It note came a huge billboard , which has now been seen by millions . And likely inspired love-based actions from countless more .
So look up . Look around . Make one out of your 35,000 decisions today different .
What tiny way can you connect to our humanity , right now ?
Adhara Catalogue | Winter 2017 41