“ Truly , if anyone wants to get to know me , come sit with me in the woods .“
“ Truly , if anyone wants to get to know me , come sit with me in the woods .“
When we were looking for an Adhara Wellness Leader who could easily help us to connect with nature , we didn ’ t have to look far . Leila ’ s upbringing , career in Ayurvedic cooking and health expertise , and her genuine love for plants , animals and our fine planet , makes her a great role model for feeling alive and connected to all that is alive around us .
With each question we raised , Leila answered just as someone who is deeply connected to themselves and our luscious Mother Earth would - slowly and with absolute purpose .
“ How do you find your connection to nature ?,” we asked hoping she would deliver the keys to our kingdom . And she did .
“ I find connection by dropping into the senses because we feel most alive when we are in our senses . I sit differently in my bones when I ’ m in nature so the more I can get into my senses , I can easily feel that connection .”
In other words , stop and smell the roses .