Addiction Rehab Thousand Islands Inhalant Addiction Amphetamine Addiction Cocaine | Page 3

Inhalant Addiction Treatment • Detox Programs  This cleansing program is always the first step that has to be undertaken by most drug victims. This program is accompanied by withdrawal symptoms, which vary depending on the type of inhalant one has been using. In some cases, withdrawal symptoms may not occur. However, when they are present, there are some medications that can help relieve them. • Therapy  Therapy is a very important step that occurs right after detoxification. There is a need to help the patients deal with their cravings and abstain even after their treatment is done. There are different types of therapy types including cognitive behavioural therapy and contingency management. The cognitive behavioural therapy is mostly used in the treatment Centers to help the patients deal with their cravings while the contingency management incentivizes positive treatment outcomes such as excellent medical compliance and e effective abstinence.