Addiction Rehab Thousand Islands Inhalant Addiction Amphetamine Addiction Cocaine | Page 15

4 ways to successfully undergo drug rehab in Toronto • Get rid of toxic friends  You have already made a decision to get clean. This is only going to be possible if you eliminate friends that you used to engage in substance intake with. It is going to be impossible if you attend a rehab facility and then later hang out with such friends. You will easily be lured back into taking drugs. • Attend Counselling and Therapy sessions  There is a reason why the above sessions are in place. Whether you have been scheduled to attend a single or group session, you should aim to avail yourself. These sessions are usually conducted by qualified professional who will engage with you on practical ways to help you stay clean. • Engage your family  Your family will always want to see you rehabilitated from drug use, no matter how far you have gone. They will always understand and encourage you as you start your transformation. Involving your family will also enable them to make proper adjustments for your sake in order for you to effectively continue your rehabilitation. • Attend After rehab Program  You are now out of rehab, what next? Though you have successfully completed your program, you must be sure to attend all the after rehab sessions. These sessions are meant to follow up on your recovery process and ensure that you are adhering to certain rules. Aftercare monitoring also ensures that you are committed and constant follow up will help you stay on track.