Adcomm's first two issues May 2012 Launch issue | Page 6
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Q: Most industries are inundated with
specialist trade magazine. The advertising
and marketing industries are no exception.
What makes you think there is space – and
interest – for yet another trade magazine?
A: It’s no secret the industry has its fair
share of established magazines. We’re
well aware of the number and type of
magazines available and agree that there
are far too many industry magazines.
Many of these are not even read by its
target audience. The last thing anyone
wants is another ‘magazine’! Adcom
is, however, more than a ‘magazine’. It
is more appropriately described as an
‘umbrella publication’ in which the print
medium and several online alternatives
and platforms are available. I call it a
‘publication’. Adcom Media is a family
of products, or stable of mediums if you
will, comprising the hardcopy magazine;
an online version; regular updates;
phone and tablet applications; and an
information exchange forum. (Based on
the facebook concept, with an online
store, allowing my partners to show case
their companies and products virtually).
suppliers already have established
is from the print version, which will reach
relationships. I’m in no way attempting
all prominent agencies. This will be
to circumvent this! My idea is to add
supplemented with regular news mailers,
value to these already established
drawing readers to the online version.
relationships by providing a medium
showcasing ALL suppliers. The aim is to
My short- to medium-term goal is to get
be both informative and educational,
readership from the corporate sector,
specifically with regards to new products companies that do the majority of
and technologies.
The essence is the
Coming from the industry my passion is for and
technology and
businesses to benefit and prosper from Ad- advertising
available products.
com while, at the same time, make life for the in-house,
What works and what
agencies easier when it comes to sourcing and
doesn’t. Adcom aims
suppliers to suit their needs.
to take all supplier
venture into
information from
the public
across the industry
domain. Everyone who has a company,
and streamline it – effectively providing
no matter how small, needs to advertise.
one value-adding medium which can
Adcom can facilitate this as showcasing
also be used as a reference. Giving added the products and services we do will
exposure to smaller suppliers.
allow smaller businesses to implement
campaigns themselves – in an affordable
way.” My long-term goal is ‘going global’.
Q: The fact that there are too many
magazines has been mentioned several
times. You appear very blasé with regards Differentiating the
to competitors. Why is this?
There is currently no competition on
the editorial front. But we do have
competition as