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How You Transition Out of The Reboot is Critical – PLEASE READ

How many times have you done a cleanse and rebounded worse after the cleanse ?? Let ’ s make sure that doesn ’ t happen !
Look , as much as I would love to ask you to support what I do and try my full 7-day reboot , I really just want to make sure you have success with this program . Honestly , it pays dividends to see people have success with this program and get motivated to start making the right changes .
Here ’ s a few tips on how to transition out of the Reboot :
1 ) Continue to Drink 0.75oz per Lb of Body Weight for 5 Days
2 ) Do Not consume more than 2500mg Sodium for 5 days ( unless required for a condition )
3 ) SLOWLY increase the amount of food that you consume after coming off the reboot . DO NOT BOUNCE right back to old habits , that is a recipe for weight and bloat rebound
4 ) Phase out the high amounts of fruit , and begin to introduce more in the way of fats like coconut oil , almond butter , olive oil and even nuts like brazil nuts and walnuts .
If You are interested in transitioning into the Full 7-Day Cleanse that helps you transition a bit more , I do recommend you give it a try . If it doesn ’ t work , I have a 100 % quality assurance refund policy .
Take Advantage of the 7-Day Organic Total Body Reboot by CLICKING HERE