Fr. Frank S. Donio, S.A.C., D.Min.
When we launched the Catholic Apostolate Center in November of 2011, I wrote in the first Ad Infinitum blog post that, “It is my hope that the Catholic Apostolate Center may assist in spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ by forming apostles for the New Evangelization.” Over the past few years, I have marveled at how great the response has been to our mission of helping others deepen their faith. Seeing that kind of reaction keeps me, the staff, and collaborators motivated to continue our ministry.
Our blog is one way that we have been able to reach so many people and carry on the mission of the New Evangelization. Since January 2012, our blog posts have reached thousands of readers week after week. This would not be possible without the dedication and generosity of the dozens of writers who have contributed to this endeavor. Their understanding of the Catholic faith and its impact on their daily lives offers a great witness to their personal encounter with Jesus Christ (Cf., Evangelii Gaudium, 3).
And now through this e-book, we hope that our loyal readers and those who have not had an opportunity to read our blog can reflect on and strengthen their relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is God, the Infinite Love.
Please enjoy reading this collection of insightful,
thought-provoking reflections.
May the Charity of Christ urge us on!
~Fr. Frank S. Donio, S.A.C.
Director, Catholic Apostolate Center