Actus Actus Magazine | Page 22

So you’ve read the articles. Now it is time to go out there and get involved. Here is how to make a difference and help some of the issues we featured: 5 HOW YOU CAN HELP UNSEEN TOURS: Go to a tour! It is as simple as that. Buy a ticket off their website - HOW YOU CAN HELP HOSPITAL ROOMS: Tim A Shaw tells us fundraising is the best way to help the charity: “We have a number of people doing half marathons/Tough Mudders etc for the charity, and we have a Total Giving page), and in the future there may be volunteering opportunities. At the moment volunteering can be a bit tricky as most of the mental health units we do work on are secure and we have to limit the number of people we can take onsite and have everyone DBS checked etc.” 7 HOW YOU CAN STOP THE HOUSING BENEFIT CUTS: Keep a look out for future demonstrations on Facebook page ‘We Stand Together’. Participation in these protests will help to raise awareness of the effects that these cuts are having because “the mainstream media managed to slide it through the very agendas of who will be affected.” HOW YOU CAN HELP SISTERS OF EDEN: Keep an eye out on their Twitter for upcoming shows - @SistersOf3den. 15 A A C C 6 T T I I O O N N CA L L TO 8 HOW YOU CAN HELP THE DOLPHINS: Sign the petition to stop future construction work and protect some areas from the traffic of vessels which is causing severe injuries to the skin of the dolphins. There is one on Also, it is important to make other people aware about the fight by sharing it on social networks. Thirdly, you can join active organisations like the HKDCS to or take part in activities such as World Ocean Day to preserve the oceans from pollution. Keep yourself updated on this issue in the Hong Kong Dolphins Conservation Society webpage: And Lastly...Vote!! Make sure you go out and vote on JUNE 8TH! Do not leave it up to others to decide your future - your vote counts just as much as theirs. If you are unhappy, voting is the easiest way to get your voice heard (and let’s face it, there is a lot to be unhappy about at the moment). Don’t think “I won’t bother because my one extra vote won’t make a difference”, because they all have an incredible impact. Also, don’t get complacent because you saw an opinion poll putting your party ahead of the others. Remember most people went to bed thinking the UK wouldn’t vote to leave the EU but here we are. Your average conservative isn’t usually your average Twitter user - we also saw this regarding Trump and the 2015 UK election. Always use your right to vote. It is one of the easiest ways for us to get involved, and so many people around the world do not have that right. GET EDUCATED, GET VOCAL AND GET READY TO HEAD TO THE POLLING STATIONS! 22 | Actus | June 2017