actual My magazine | Page 45

Quality Control

Within my selected Garment, which was a jacket there was problems throughout, with poor stitching freighting as well as buttons missing from the top of the jacket.

To improve the jacket I would add change the buttons located down the middle of the jacket to a zip as this will be easier to do up as well as not popping of the jacket as easily, as well as this improvment i would a a rib hem collar so that the jacket would have more of a bomber like look which could attract customers.

The jacket had a lot of aspects that i would change another being the string located at the bottom in order to tighten the bottom of the jacket, i feel as though this is an un-needed piece of the jacket that is simply there for the 'look' despite decreasing it in my opinion, so rather than this i would just remove the string to tighten the jacket full stop.

Within production there is a lot of stitching attaching the different parts of the jacket so i would stitch the jacket as little as possible, still giving it a similar look, and this is down to the fact that if the stitching goes wrong on the clothing, because its such an expensive piece, not a basic piece the profit loss would be a lot larger, so through making the jacket more basic, meaning chances of something going wrong within production are minimised.

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