actual My magazine | Page 39

The Rana Plaza

This was the collapse of an eight story commercial building collapsing, this took place on the 24th of october 2013 at approximately at 8:45 and caused the death of 1,129 people however injured another 2,500 people.

One of the reasons the building is believed to have collapsed is the illegally build extension which added another three floors, even though more work space had been created as had the danger levels, so when a crack appeared in the side of the building on the 23rd people panicked about what was going to happen, however the risk of losing their jobs forced them back into the building which lead to the deaths of so many.

Days after this tragedy the

owner of these facilities was arrested in his attempt to flee the country.

Days after the collapse of the Rana Plaza family and friends protested holding posters of the dead or missing due to the incident.

This is one of the most serious incidents of its kind with the closest death toll to the Rana Plaza only reaching 115, and this took place Canterbury television building collapsing in 2011, therefore the difference in death tolls showing the severity of the Rana Plaza

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-Regular employment is provided

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