and this is were actors and models such as twiggy became such a large influence, but what was key was the different fashion groups by the names Mods and Rockers, this was one of the first times that a divide in fashion was seen, excluding the 50's.
Where as in the 80's/90's colour began to become key and this is were music had a massive infleunce both in rap and pop music, with massive influences on fashion being Run DMC and Madonna, yet again this was my Mums favourite decade because she was a teen, and when she was able to buy her own clothing. Although i chose the 50's as my favourite decade the 80's and 90's have had the greatest effect on fashion as many trends which were around then have been recreated today.
Overall i feel as though the point which i wanted to get across was that different generations view different decades as the best and through using my Nan, Grandad and Mum i felt as though this gave a more personal feel to the video so people understood that the favourite decade of people were from there teenage years, where they were free to chose what to wear
Within the video i choose to use three different age groups as i felt as though this would show a varying opinion therefore giving more an interesting insight into fashion throughtime, from the perspective of people who had actually lived during this time rather than me looking on the internet, as this would only give me a small portion of the larger picture. I didn't necessarily choose three decades but everybody who I interviewed including myself choose a different decade excluding my Grandparent who choose the same decade.
Within the video i realised that everybodys favourite decade excluding myself was when they were a teenager and I believe is down to being able to be as adventurous as you like without the influence of your parents, as my Mum already said within the video presented.
I believe that the 1950's was a key influence due to it being the birth of a teenager where, they started to dress how they wanted with no restricrictions, and this is down to the war no longer stopping fashion progress with rationing.
Whereas the 1960's was were colour began to become key with movments such as Hippies being seen,
Decade comparisons