ActivityGuide-Fall24-Online | Page 32



The Weinstein JCC School of Dance offers an exciting learning environment for students of all skill levels . Our program gives dancers the opportunity to learn and perform various types of professional dance in a small group setting with the option of a dance recital each spring .
Weinstein JCC preschool students are encouraged to participate . A Weinstein JCC employee will meet the children in the preschool and walk them to class and back to their preschool classroom . This is a great way for half-day preschool parents to extend their day or for full-day preschoolers to take advantage of these fun opportunities . Full-day preschoolers will return to the preschool after classes and be dismissed with regular preschool pick up procedures . Half-day students will be picked up by parents at the end of classes . Staff will also coordinate pick up for Kids ’ Place participants .
Intro to Ballet
Ages : 3 – 5
Intro to Ballet I classes combine stories and music in a child-friendly setting to help students develop body / spatial awareness , rhythm , flexibility , balance , coordination , memorization skills , and confidence . Students will be introduced to beginning ballet technique and learn basic ballet terminology . For female students , a leotard , tights , and pink ballet slippers are required , and hair should be neatly pulled back out of the face in a ponytail or bun . For male students , a white t-shirt , black shorts or pants , and black ballet shoes with white ankle socks are required for this yearround class . The Dance Recital will be held April 27 , 2025 . Costs includes $ 60 Recital fee .
Instructor : Sarah Ruppel Bullis September 16 - April 21 ( no class 11 / 25 , 12 / 23 , 12 / 30 , 1 / 6 , 1 / 20 , 2 / 17 , 3 / 31 ) Mondays 12:55 PM - 1:40 PM CODE 19928 $ 685 member | $ 775 nonmember $ 660 JCC preschooler
Instructor : Leslie Cohen-Gee September 16 - April 21 ( no class 11 / 25 , 12 / 23 , 12 / 30 , 1 / 6 , 1 / 20 , 2 / 17 , 3 / 31 ) Mondays , 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM CODE 19929 $ 685 member | $ 775 nonmember $ 660 JCC preschooler
Ballet I
Instructor : Haley Poh , 804 Dance Place Ages : Kindergarten – age 8
Ballet technique and terminology are introduced in this beginner ’ s class . Students will begin to work at the barre and learn ballet positions and combinations through music and stories . Leotard , tights , and ballet slippers required for this year-round class . The Dance Recital will be held April 27 , 2025 . Costs includes $ 60 Recital fee .
September 16 - April 21 ( no class 11 / 25 , 12 / 23 , 12 / 30 , 1 / 6 , 1 / 20 , 2 / 17 , 3 / 31 ) Mondays 4:35 - 5:35 pm CODE 19930 $ 685 member | $ 775 nonmember $ 660 Kids ’ Place child
Contact Amy Buckberg , Fitness Director , at 804-545-8638 or abuckberg @ weinsteinjcc . org for more information . 32 Weinstein JCC • 2024 Fall Activity Guide