Turf & Surf
Meets at Main Street Recreation Center
Age: 10-14
This camp is recommended for campers who have completed Introduction
to Turf & Surf or previous summers of Turf & Surf camp. This on-the-
road experience combines morning activities and field trips followed
by afternoon swims at Sunset Pool. Campers should have a basic
understanding of bike safety and rules of the road. Riders will be expected
to travel up to 6 miles one way to reach their daily destination. All campers
are required to have a bike, bike lock, helmet, water bottle, backpack, sack
lunch and snacks every day. Camper forms must be completed, via ePACT,
prior to your child attending camp. Instructions will be sent to your email.
Meet the counselors and gather more information about Turf & Surf on
June 3rd, 6pm, at Main Street Recreation Center. Min/Max: 6/20. (ts)
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday at 1pm for the following week of camp.
Introduction to Turf & Surf
Meets at Main Street Recreation Center
Age: 10-14
Campers will enjoy the freedom of jumping on their bikes and heading
out to local destinations, 3-5 miles in distance one way, followed by
afternoon swims at Sunset Pool. This program combines education and
hands-on experience to prepare you for future weeks in Turf & Surf
camp. All campers are required to have a bike, bike lock, helmet, water
bottle, backpack, sack lunch and snacks every day. Camper forms must be
completed, via ePACT, prior to your child attending camp. Instructions will
be sent to your email. Meet the counselors and gather more information
about Turf & Surf on June 3rd, 6pm, at Main Street Recreation Center.
Min/Max: 6/14. (ts)
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday at 1pm for the following week of camp.
116648 M-F June 8-June 12 9am-3pm $148/$222
116649 M-F June 15-June 19 9am-3pm $148/$222
116650 M-F June 22-June 26 9am-3pm $148/$222
116651 M-F July 6-July 10 9am-3pm $148/$222
116652 M-F July 13-July 17 9am-3pm $148/$222
116653 M-F July 20-July 24 9am-3pm $148/$222
116662 10-12 M-F June 8-June 12 9am-3pm $148/$222
116663 10-12 M-F June 15-June 19 9am-3pm $148/$222
116664 10-12 M-F June 22-June 26 9am-3pm $148/$222
116665 10-12 M-Th June 29-July 2 9am-3pm $119/$178
116666 10-12 M-F July 6-July 10 9am-3pm $148/$222
116667 10-12 M-F July 13-July 17 9am-3pm $148/$222
116668 10-12 M-F July 20-July 24 9am-3pm $148/$222
116669 10-12 M-F July 27-July 31 9am-3pm $148/$222
116670 10-12 M-F Aug. 3-Aug. 7 9am-3pm $148/$222
116671 10-12 M-F Aug. 10-Aug. 14 9am-3pm $148/$222
116672 12-14 M-F June 8-June 12 9am-3pm $148/$222
116673 12-14 M-F June 15-June 19 9am-3pm $148/$222
116674 12-14 M-F June 22-June 26 9am-3pm $148/$222
116675 12-14 M-Th June 29-July 2 9am-3pm $119/$178
116677 12-14 M-F July 6-July 10 9am-3pm $148/$222
116679 12-14 M-F July 13-July 17 9am-3pm $148/$222
116680 12-14 M-F July 20-July 24 9am-3pm $148/$222
116681 12-14 M-F July 27-July 31 9am-3pm $148/$222
116682 12-14 M-F Aug. 3-Aug. 7 9am-3pm $148/$222
116683 12-14 M-F Aug. 10-Aug. 14 9am-3pm $148/$222