Activity Books Wool & Sheep Activity Book | Page 6

WELCOME BABY LAMBS! Most lambs are born in the spring. Mother ewes can give birth to one, two or three lambs. Some ewes have had as many as five lambs at once! Lambs weigh between seven and fifteen pounds when they are born. Lambs can stand soon after they are born. The mother ewe cleans them off. Lambs drink their mother's milk and grow strong. Soon, lambs will eat grasses and hay like their mother. Lambs stay with their mother until they are ready to go to market. They go to market when they are between four and six months old. Ideal market weight is between 120 and 135 pounds! Solve these story problems: In a flock of five ewes, two of the ewes give birth to one lamb each, two of the ewes give birth to two lambs each, and one ewe gives birth to three lambs. How many lambs are there in the flock? Five ewes were sheared. Each ewe had 8 pounds of wool. How much wool was sheared from the five ewes? Three lambs are born to a ewe. Each weighs 7 pounds. How much do all three weigh? 4 Moffat County has the most number of sheep in Colorado.