Activity Books Wool & Sheep Activity Book | Page 21

A DAY ON THE RANGE WITH A HERDER Herders usually live alone in a tent or a sheep wagon which is similar to a travel trailer. Herders have sheep dogs and horses to help them move the sheep. They also have guard dogs to help protect the sheep. Herders wake up before dawn and take their working dogs to move the sheep off the bedding ground, bedding ground is where the sheep have slept for the night. The herder and dogs move the sheep to new grazing areas and water. Here the sheep will eat and drink. Sheep get water from the morning dew on the grass, a nearby stream or a water tank. Now it is time for the herder and the dogs to eat their breakfast. Once a week, the camp tender brings groceries to the herders. The camp tender is the person who checks on the herders to make sure they are safe. The herder and the dogs spend the day watching the sheep and herding them to new grass. The sheep eat grasses and weeds. They lick salt blocks the herder has set out for them. Salt provides sheep with important minerals they need. In the evening, the herder and the dogs herd the sheep to water for a drink. The sheep are then moved to the bedding ground for a good night's sleep. During the night the guard dogs watch for wild animals called predators. Predators like to eat sheep. Some predators are coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions and bears. Eagles, ravens and foxes will also kill baby lambs. Pet dogs will also chase sheep and hurt or kill them. Colorado sheep producers lost $1.67 million from sheep and lamb deaths due to predators in 2009. 19