Activity Books Wool & Sheep Activity Book | Page 19

SHEEP ON THE FARM Sheep are raised in groups called flocks or bands. A flock of sheep can be from 5 to 1,000 head. Sometimes flocks are called farm flocks when they are raised on farms or small acreages that are fenced into pastures. All breeds of sheep can be raised on a farm flock operation. Black faced sheep are more commonly raised as farm flocks because they will spread out in the fenced pastures and evenly graze the grasses. Sheep are good animals to raise on small acreages because they take less land and equipment to care for them. They also provide two sources of income - money from the wool and from the meat. Sheep can also live in small areas and eat a variety of plants and weeds. Sheep are also easy to handle and work with. Often sheep are combined with other farming enterprises to help the farm owner make more money from the farm. Each day on the farm, the sheep will eat hay or graze the grasses in pastures. Many farmers will use sheep to eat the left-over crops from harvest in the fall. Farm flock shepherds provide clean, fresh water for their sheep. They also care for the health needs of the sheep. For example, shepherds will protect their sheep from diseases by giving them vaccinations or by treating them with antibiotics if they get sick. They will care for them or take them to a veterinarian (animal doctor) if the sheep get hurt. How do shepherds protect their sheep from diseases? ________________________________ ________________________________ If a sheep gets sick, what does a shepherd give them? ________________________________ Coyotes are the largest cause of sheep and lamb deaths in Colorado. 17