Additional information is available from these cooperating organizations.
W e thought you might like to know a
little more about the organizations that
have helped to make this activity
book possible.
Colorado Division of Wildlife is the
state agency responsible by law to
protect, preserve and enhance and
manage wildlife and their environment
for the use, benefit and enjoyment of
the people of Colorado and
its visitors.
Colorado Division of Wildlife
6060 Broadway
Denver, CO 80216
(303) 297-1192
Boone & Crockett Club was founded
in 1887 by Theodore Roosevelt and a
small group of his friends. It was one
of our nation’s first conservation
organizations. The club’s achieve-
ments include the protection of
Yellowstone and Glacier National
Parks, establishment of federal forest
reserves which became the National
Forest System, support of national
and state wildlife refuges, and the
framing of wildlife protection laws. The
club promotes conservation and out-
door ethics; supports wildlife research,
education and management; and
maintains records of North America’s
big game animals taken in fair chase.
Boone & Crockett Club
250 Station Drive
Missoula, MT 59801
Foundation for North American
Wild Sheep is a not-for-profit conser-
vation organization whose purpose is
to promote and enhance increasing
populations of indigenous wild sheep
on the North American Continent, to
safeguard against the decline or
extinction of such species and to fund
programs for professional manage-
ment of these populations. To provide
conservation, education and research
in the cause of not only wild sheep,
but all wildlife and its habitat in the
support of sportsmen’s rights.
Foundation for North American
Wild Sheep
720 Allen Avenue
Cody, WY 82414
(307) 527-6261
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society is
a not-for-profit conservation organiza-
tion whose common purpose is to
support the sound management of
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep and
their habitat and to promote the
advancement and knowledge of the
bighorn sheep. Members also support
the proper management and wise use
of mountain goats and all wildlife.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society
P.O. Box 8320
Denver, CO 80201
Special thanks to Joe Bishop.
Rocky Mountain Goats Foundation
is a not-for-profit Colorado
Corporation. Its goals are to increase
public awareness of the continued
need for professional wildlife manage-
ment and the protection of all wildlife
habitats; to fund educational and
scholarship wildlife activities at all lev-
els; to solicit and receive donations,
gifts, grants and to raise funds for the
benefit of all wildlife and their habitats.
It evolved from the International Order
of Rocky Mountain Goats, a conserva-
tion organization founded in 1966.
Rocky Mountain Goats Foundation
P.O. Box 614
Littleton, CO 80160
Colorado Bowhunters Association
is a not-for-profit conservation organi-
zation that encourages and perpetu-
ates the sport of bowhunting for all
legal game; works to protect, improve
and increase the opportunities for
hunting with the hand-drawn bow;
cooperates with and support federal
and state agencies, sportsmen’s
organizations and conservation organ-
izations; which are insuring the propa-
gation and preservation of game and
its natural habitat; encourages and
conducts educational programs
designed to acquaint the public and
the archer with safe and ethical use of
the bow for hunting and bowhunting
as an effective method of hunting
legal game; and to foster unity and
perpetuate the spirit of good fellow-
ship among bowhunters.
Colorado Bowhunters Association
P.O. Box 24250
Denver, CO 80224