Science / Environment
Some wild animals live on farms. They find everything they need – food,
water, shelter and space. Some animals, like the cottontail rabbit, bobwhite
quail and pheasant do especially well on farms. When farming is stopped in
an area, these animals decrease in number. These animals like to eat many
of the plants farmers grow. During harvest, farmers always lose some of the
seeds from the crop. The lost seeds provide food for wild animals. This food
supply often helps animals survive the winter.
Ranchers also help wildlife survive. When ranchers develop water supplies
for their livestock, this also provides water for wildlife. This is one reason
why there has been an increase in the number of deer and elk in Colorado.
Today, many farmers and ranchers work with wildlife
managers to help develop wildlife habitat. They
plant food for wildlife and trees for windbreaks that
provide shelter for animals. They will leave some of
their crop unharvested to provide food for wildlife.
They put out salt and help keep water available.
Why would farmers and ranchers help wildlife?
They have found that wildlife can help them. Birds
help control insect populations. Farmers and ranchers, like you and I, also
enjoy watching wildlife. They often have the opportunity to see young ani-
mals play. They enjoy watching them grow.
Science Standards 3.1