Activity Books Wildlife | Page 25

Science / Environment Wildlife managers work to increase or improve habitats for wild animals. Before habitats are improved, managers need to know how many and what types of animals are in the habitat. Habitats can be improved by using several methods. 1. Planting grasses, shrubs, trees and other plants. 2. Building watering areas and ponds. 3. Burning or cutting dense stands of trees to improve grasses and shrubs. 4. Controlling weeds and poisonous plants. LOOK AROUND YOUR SCHOOL. DESCRIBE SOME THINGS THAT COULD BE DONE SO WILDLIFE COULD LIVE THERE. __________________________________________________ 5. Working with farmers and ranchers to maintain and improve habitat areas for wildlife. __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Science Standards 3.1, 3.2 Reading/Writing Standards 2,4 23