Colorado — Mother of Rivers
1 . N . Platte 2 . Yampa 3 . White
4 . Colorado 5 . Animas 6 . Rio Grande
7 . A r k a n s a s 8 . S . Platte 9 . Republican
Nevada |
Utah |
2 3
8 |
9 |
Nebraska |
Iowa |
Illinois |
California |
5 6
Kansas |
Missouri |
Arizona |
Oklahoma |
Arkansas |
New Mexico Mississippi
Texas Louisiana
Colorado is often referred to as “ The Mother of Rivers ” because so many rivers get their start in our mountains , and very little water flows into the state .
Can you name the 18 U . S . states that depend on water from Colorado ’ s mountains ?
1 .____________________________ 2 .____________________________ 3 .____________________________ 4 .____________________________ 5 .____________________________ 6 .____________________________
7 .____________________________ 8 .____________________________ 9 .____________________________ 10 .____________________________ 11 .____________________________ 12 .____________________________
13 .____________________________ 14 .____________________________ 15 .____________________________ 16 .____________________________ 17 .____________________________ 18 .____________________________
Why do we need Watershed Defenders ?
You may not know it , but you live in a watershed . We all do , and we depend on it for our survival . The same goes for animals and plants .
When the snow in Colorado ’ s high country melts , where does it go ? Some soaks into the ground and some goes into a river . When it rains in the city , the water goes into the river . Rain on the farm ? Same thing . Some soaks into the ground and some goes into the river .
So all of the land that drains to the river is connected by water . People ,
plants and animals depend on that land and water as well . That entire area is called a watershed .
Watershed defenders are people — |
scientists , technicians , engineers and |
many others — who help make sure that |
there is safe water for homes , schools , |
businesses , |
growing |
food |
and |
the |
environment . |
What ’ s the big deal ? Did you eat or drink anything today ? Did you brush , wash or flush ? The truth is , without water you ’ re a “ goner .” This is no joke .
Your body is 60-70 % water . Your brain is 75 % water . Without water in some form , you will die in seven days or less .
For the majority of us , the rain and snow provides water for our homes , schools , farms and businesses . But here ’ s the problem . If we don ’ t protect that water from pollution , dirty water can hurt plants , animals and people .
The good news ? You and your friends can help reduce pollution and be real-life Watershed Defenders .
4 Watershed Defenders produced by Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom