Activity Books Watershed Defenders Comic Book | Page 7

1.9 Billion — Number of people worldwide who do not have access to clean water. freshwater is locked up in the polar ice caps. Some water is too polluted for us to drink. When you do all the math, it turns out that only about 1 percent of the earth’s water is fit to drink. You can do this experiment for a comparison: Fill a one-gallon milk jug with water. The jug represents all the water on the planet. Now measure out how much is safe to drink: one tablespoon. Remember how we said this might get scary? In the year 2000, the United Nations said 1.9 billion people lacked access to a reliable source of safe drink- ing water. That’s almost one third of the world population. Dirty water can cause disease, and across the globe, on aver- age, one child dies every 15 seconds from waterborne disease. With no medicine oth- er than safe drinking water, estimates show we could save 2 million lives a year. Besides disease, the lack of clean water causes other problems. In parts of Africa and India, it’s common for people to have to walk more than three miles to simply collect water. Then they have to carry that water back home. Five gallons of water weighs almost 42 pounds. By one estimate, 40 billion hours are spent each year in Africa hauling water. That’s time taken away from other pur- suits that could help fight poverty. According to Colorado State Uni- versity Extension, many Colorado residents use more than 200 gallons per day, most of it outside the home. For survival, the average person requires approximately two quarts per day. T he N umber O ne T hreat 6.1 Billion Year 2000 The earth’s surface is nearly 2/3rds water, but less than 1 percent of it is fit to drink!! 4 The number one threat to clean water in the United States is runoff pollution—the Contaminator. Turn the page to see how everyday activities and events need to be man- aged to protect our source water. The Great Lakes— Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario, and Superior—hold nearly 20% of earth’s total supply of freshwater. 4 Billion Year 1975 3 2.55 Billion Year 1950 2 1.2 Billion Year 1850 1 450 Million Year 1500 275 Million Year 1000 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 500 Million Year 1650 1600 700 Million Year 1750 1700 1800 1900 2000 Year Watershed Defenders produced by Colorado Foundation for Agriculture 7