Activity Books Watershed Defenders Comic Book | Page 5

E xplore Y our W atershed Before we get carried away trying to protect our watershed, we’d better do some exploring to find out where contamination might come from. Gravity pulls our watershed to- What is your nearest creek? ____________________________ What is your nearest major river? ____________________________ What is the name of your nearest lake? __________________________ 4.____________________________ 5.____________________________ 6.____________________________ 9.____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ How much rainfall does your commu- nity receive during an average year? 3.____________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ Where is the nearest water treatment facility? 2.____________________________ 7.____________________________ What cities and states are down- stream from your area? gether. Water flows from high spots to low spots. Sometimes this is dra- matic—think waterfall—and other times it’s subtle. Commonly, we think of major riv- ers as watersheds. The Colorado, South Platte, Rio Grande and Arkan- sas are examples of major rivers that originate in our state. This is true, but there are also smaller rivers and creeks. Each is a smaller watershed that is part of the big picture. Some may only have wa- ter in them for short periods during the year. If you have Internet access, en- tering your zip code or town name at index.cfm can help you learn about your watershed. In your classroom or at home (work with your parents), use maps or the Internet, to find answers to the following: 1.____________________________ What cities are upstream from your area? __________________________ List 10 species of wild animals in your area: ____________________________ List 10 things water is used for in your watershed: 8.____________________________ 10.____________________________ List five food plants a farmer in your area might grow: 1.____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________ 5.____________________________ Name five possible sources of runoff pollution: 1.____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________ 1.____________________________ 5.____________________________ 2.____________________________ Internet tip: If you’re having trouble finding resources, you might try watersheddirectory.php or 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________ 5.____________________________ 6.____________________________ 7.____________________________ 8.____________________________ 9.____________________________ 10.____________________________ Watershed Defenders produced by Colorado Foundation for Agriculture 5