Activity Books Understanding Water Activity Book | Page 6

My family uses water q to drink q to cook q to bathe q to flush the toilet q to grow vegetables q to water the lawn q to wash dishes q to wash clothes q to wash the car q to water house plants q to fill a fish tank q for fun, like playing in the sprinkler, swimming, filling water balloons q to brush teeth q to wash faces and hands q to make ice cubes q to fill a bird bath q for pets to drink A farmer uses water q to water crops (sugar beets, corn, vegetables, flowers) q for livestock to drink q for wildlife to drink q to clean equipment 4 Water is important to life. We need water to live. When we look at a globe we see that most of Earth is covered by water. Most of the water on Earth is found in the oceans. Ocean water is salt water. We cannot drink ocean water because of the salt. Plants grown by farmers cannot use water from the ocean because it is too salty for plants. Water is a NATURAL  RESOURCE.