Activity Books Understanding Water Activity Book | Page 30

A lot of water, however, will be used and not go through a treatment plant. Water that is used on our lawns and gardens will flow back into the streams. The water we use to wash our pets or cars and to water our lawns flows through storm drains into rivers and streams for other uses downstream. Another useā€¦ Farms and ranches can be downstream or upstream from communities. Farms and ranches need water for animals and plants. Farmers irrigate crops. Irrigation is a way to bring water to crops. Irrigation is giving water to plants when they need it. After seeds are planted in the ground, they need water to germinate into seedlings. The seedlings need water and sunshine to grow into big plants. Water is given to plants throughout the growing season. It is important to give growing plants as much water as they need, but too much water can hurt them. Farmers watch the weather. If it rains a lot, they don't want to irrigate because plants can drown. 28