Activity Books Understanding Water Activity Book | Page 24

Snow falls in winter. Snow is frozen water. In states with mountains – like Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and California – snow piles up in the mountains in winter. This buildup of snow is called snowpack. The amount of snow and the water content in the snowpack determines how much water we will have in the summer and fall. The snowpack begins to melt in spring when it gets warmer. The water from the melted snow flows into streams. The streams flow into rivers. Some of the water is caught and stored in reservoirs. The stored water can be used throughout the year. Water stored in reservoirs and lakes is released when it is needed. The places needing water may include cities, businesses, homes or farms. Water can also flow to another state. Water is moved by letting it flow down rivers, through man-made canals or ditches, or through huge pipes that may sit above or below ground. A DAM IS A STRUCTURE BUILT TO STOP THE FLOW OF WATER DOWN A STREAM. THE DAM CREATES A RESERVOIR. THE RESERVOIR IS BOTH THE CONTAINER THAT HOLDS THE WATER AND THE WATER THAT FILLS THE CONTAINER. 22