Activity Books Understanding Water Activity Book | Page 16

Density is why objects do what they do with water. Density is the measure of the weight and volume of an object. The anchor, made of metals, is heavy. It is heavier than water. It will sink. The leaves are light. They are lighter than water. They will float. The salt, like sugar, will dissolve in water. SCIENCE EXPERIMENT You will need: P A large bowl of water P Paper clips P Aluminum foil Put water in the large bowl of water. Drop a paper clip in the bowl. Watch it sink. Make “boats” using the aluminum foil. Make different shaped boats from the same size pieces of foil. Put the foil boats in the bowl of water. They will float. Drop one paper clip at a time into a boat. How many paper clips can the boat hold? Why does a paper clip sink by itself in water yet several can float in a boat? Why doesn’t the paper clip float by itself? ? What will happen when an ice cube and a marble that weigh the same are dropped into water? 14