Activity Books Understanding Water Activity Book | Page 14

Water is the most common compound on earth. A compound is made up of elements. Everything is made of atoms. Elements are different arrangements of atoms. An atom is the smallest particle of an element. Water is made up of three atoms: two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. It is two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It is written H2O. PROPERTIES OF WATER Water can make things wet. It can dissolve things. Water can “carry” things and flow through things. Water acts differently with different materials. Water beads up on wax paper because of surface tension. Surface tension allows water to form a skinlike surface. Other materials allow water to flow through them or be absorbed. Paper towels and sponges absorb water. Sand and gravel are two earth materials through which water can flow. Water can change almost any material. Everything from dissolved salts to huge boulders can be moved by water. Water’s ability to dissolve substances has an effect on water quality. Water carries dissolved solids. The characteristics of water make it a great “cleaner”. Since many things dissolve in water, water can be used by itself or be combined with other products to clean surfaces and items. 12