Activity Books Incredible, Edible Eggs - Math Activity Book | Page 26

Additional Information for Parents or Teachers Egg Facts: The incredible edible egg is a nutrient dense food In processing, eggs are graded for interior and as it contains every major vitamin and mineral exterior quality. Grade AA is the highest quality, except vitamin C. then Grade A and finally Grade B. The fresher the egg, the higher the grade. Eggs are in- Eggs are a complete protein food because eggs spected for cracks, dirt, internal and shell defects have all nine of the essential amino acids (as well which will also affect the quality and ultimately as all nine non-essential amino acids). Scientist the grade of an egg. used the egg as the standard by which all other protein foods are judged. On a scale with 100 The size of the egg is based on the weight. A representing highest efficiency, eggs surpass all dozen large eggs must weigh at least 24 ounces. other foods at 93.7. Younger hens often produce smaller eggs and as they age will begin laying larger eggs. Eggs are a very versatile food. They can be eaten alone and used in hundreds of recipes The surface of an egg shell has over 10,000 from baked goods to ice cream. pores. Over time air transfers in and out of these tiny pores which will begin to cause the quality of Eggs are inexpensive, averaging from $1 to $2 a the egg to decrease. We recommend buying pound depending upon how the hens are raise refrigerated eggs with good dates to ensure the and what they are fed. freshest eggs possible. Older eggs are best suited for hard-boiling as they are easier to peel Egg farmers throughout Colorado pride them- due to increased levels of air trapped inside the selves on providing eggs, a high quality, protein- shell. The smaller the “air cell” the fresher the dense food, to citizens in this great state. We are egg; the larger the air cell the older the egg. also proud to offer consumers the choice be- tween cage and cage-free eggs. Eggs come in many varieties…white, brown, fertile, cage free, nutritionally enhanced, organic, As Colorado Egg Farmers, we care about how all free range and more. The color of the shell is of our chickens are treated. While no system is determined by the breed of the hen. Generally a perfect, we ensure our chickens receive the best brown feathered hen with red earlobes will pro- care possible within both the cage and cage-free duce a brown egg and a white feathered hen with systems. white earlobes will produce a white egg. There is no nutritional difference between a brown or Colorado Egg Farmers believe in proper steward- white egg, however you can increase the nutri- ship to our communities and our chickens. We tional content of an egg through altering the use scientific principles in our production prac- hen