More and more homesteaders began moving onto the plains . They claimed more land . In 1874 , James Glidden invented barbed wire . The wire was used to build fences . These fences began crossing the prairie . Large ranches would fence public land so they could use the land to graze cattle . In 1885 , federal law was passed that stopped this fencing and set grazing fees for people grazing livestock on public lands . Public lands are those managed by a government agency like the U . S . Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management .
In 1886-1887 , a very harsh winter with severe blizzards caused the death of thousands of cattle . Snow covered the grasses cattle needed to eat . This marked the end of open range ranching . The winter of 1887 made ranchers realize they needed to cut grasses in the summer for hay to feed in the winter . Ranching changed . Barbed wire allowed the ranchers to bring in new breeds of cattle and keep them separate from range cattle . Breeds like Hereford and Angus were shipped from England to Colorado Territory . These cattle produced an animal with more meat than the longhorns . New machinery and equipment meant fewer cowboys were needed on ranches . The cowboys ’ job also changed . Besides caring for the cattle , they built and fixed fences , harvested hay , and maintained equipment .
Ranchers worked to improve their range . They drilled wells , and built ponds and ditches for new water supplies . They built cross fences so they could control where the cattle ate grasses . New water supplies for cattle also meant new water supplies for wildlife .
In the early years of the cattle industry in Colorado , the cattle went to market directly from pasture . These types of cattle are called grass fed . In the early 1900s , some farmers started feeding cattle in pens . It provided a way for farmers to use parts of crops left over after harvest like beet tops or corn stalks . After World War II there was a need for a steady supply of beef . Feeding cattle year round in pens provided a way to provide a steady supply of meat . The pens where cattle are fed are called feedlots .
Hodge Spur Rowel on Large & Small Strands Patent granted on Aug . 2 , 1877
Scutt Single Clip “ H ” Plate Patent granted on June 18 , 1878
Knickerbocker Applied Three-Point Barb Patent granted on Dec . 12 , 1876
Merrill Four Point Twirl Patent granted on Dec . 26 , 1876
Glidden Large Square Strands Patent granted on Nov . 24 , 1874
Kelly Thorny Common Patent granted on Feb . 11 , 1868
Glidden Square Strand Patent granted on Feb . 18 , 1876
Jayne & Hill Locked Staples & Wood Block Patent granted on April 11 , 1876