ACTION! | Page 78

Berna Onur

France was such a great experience for me. I am so glad to have experienced those wonderful moments. I received a warm welcome from my host and her family. I sometimes cried, and laughed. My host was lovely Noemi. She has so beautiful curly hair. I believe that it was great to learn about the culture and customs of France. I wasn't familiar with walking in a house with shoes and using the same lavotory with boys and girls. They are not typical for my culture however it was beautiful. I think I will not forget those moments when I walked around on French streets, Noemi's father's wake me up and the days I rolled in the grass, having breakfast with chocolate cake , having a shower with their cute cat....

Do you think it is possible to write those priceless days in a few sentences ? First of all I want to say that it has a big effect on my life. Travelling overseas, making new friends, seeing cultural differences caused to change my perspective on life. It was a different excitement for us to communicate with them. I noticed that there are different lifestyles. In a few words it brought me about to understand the awareness. It took me back to ancient times while doing sightseeing. It reminded me the importance of the history once more . The people whom I stayed with were so kind that I did not feel the lack of my family in spite of being far away from them. They did their best to make me feel comfortable. They helped me and supported me with everything. Before going there my thoughts were totally different. Luckily I got a chance like that and I found myself in such a beautiful activity. Otherwise I would continue to have blinders on and I would not form such a good friendship.

It was one of the best experiences of my life. Friendship began when we got to the terminal in Aubenas. I got on the car and headed for home while I was watching around. The houses were located from each other seperately. After dinner, what surprised me the most is all kinds of technological devices such as computers, mobile phones, television were left aside and I really liked it. They spent their free time together. When I went to school, I had difficulty in communicating with Plume. They were very warm towards me. They're all very fun. While shooting a short film at the workshop I had great moments. I miss them and I can't wait to see my friends again.

Fatma Nur Acar

Simge Canıtez