ACTHA Monthly July 2015 | Page 40


by Barbra Schulte

"These horses are a team. The presence or absence of any one or any number of them creates a different experience. That’s so true about our lives."

I can’t carry a tune, myself, but I love this video. Click each horse one at a time, in any order. It will make you grin! ~ Barbra

Teamwork over the past few years has become more meaningful to me. I am more appreciative now and more mindful of how the people and horses in my life contribute to the whole of my life. I’m talking about my husband, family, friends, our staff, those who ride with me, members of our website, the vets and farriers, my mentors. EVERY person and every horse is a part of the Z44 team. If roles change, it’s exactly like clicking on different horses in the video.

I learned another interesting perspective of teamwork when I took my first seminar at the then LGE Sports Science. It was a three-day experience.

Each day we had a few hours of lecture, and then we went out of the classroom and practiced the mental and emotional concepts we had just studied on either a tennis court or a golf course. We could pick either sport to practice the seminar ideas.

Now, I don’t play tennis or golf. In fact, besides sitting on a horse, I feel pretty klutzy doing other sports.

I chose tennis. I was paired up randomly with some other poor soul in a doubles match.

During that 3-day event, one of the concepts I learned made a huge impact on me. “Never ever turn against a teammate, no matter how things are going.”

Of course I didn’t turn against my doubles partner, and thank goodness she was gracious to me. I think she loved me because I provided huge comic relief on the tennis court! But, I did start thinking about how the “never turn against a teammate” idea carried over into my riding life.

ACTHA Monthly | July 2015 | 40

Click each horse to play, click again to stop