ACTHA Monthly January 2015 | Page 34

ACTHA Monthly | November 2014 | 41

The Mineola Nature Preserve began construction in 2002, and the equestrian facility opened in the fall of 2009. Back then it had a dirt parking lot and port-a-potties. To have this trail riding facility in our back yard is a blessing for local trail riders. TETRA is working with the City of Mineola to help raise money for its equestrian improvements. The improvements include two horse pens behind each RV site, two wash racks with mats, a patio heater and the event grill at the pavilion.

Who said work can’t be fun? We had a blast cleaning the trails for our ACTHA rides, and hosting the rides at the Nature Preserve! We partnered with the local riding clubs who volunteer to clean trails, to be judges at our ACTHA events, to be judge’s assistances, drag riders, and to be trail bosses for our trail rides. At our last ride at the Preserve, we had a trail ride, and equine and K-9 costume contest and a chili cook off. Everyone had fun. If you are in Texas and want to trail ride, look us up, and enjoy the fun as you help support Texas trails!

April 24 - 26

Mineola Nature Preserve AOC/CTC

Hosted by Valerie DeLana and Joseph Petronella

Mineola, Texas

Day 1 AOC

Day 2 AOC

Day 2 CTC

Day 3 CTC

May 22 - 24

Mineola Nature Preserve AOC / CTC

Hosted by Valerie Delana and Joseph Petronella

Mineola, Texas

Day 1 AOC

Day 2 AOC

Day 2 CTC

Day 3 AOC

Day 3 CTC


Continued from Page 33