ACTHA Monthly January 2015 | Page 21

For Kim and Lex the last two years have morphed into a magical partnership traveling, camping and competing in ACTHA events all over Florida. Like many members of ACTHA, Kim’s goal was to train her horse, not pursue a title. Half way through the 2013-2014 competitive season, she realized they had a chance at winning the state or even the national title in the pleasure division. It was at that realization Kim decided to give it her best shot for the next 6 months. Kim says “entering the last ride of the competition, we were tied for first place in the state and 2nd in the nation, the pressure was on and I was nervous. That weekend turned out to be our most perfect ride we ever had. What a journey that was, watching my once emotionally crippled horse become a trail champion.”

It seems Kim is also as generous as Nancy Slater in thanking those who supported her journey. She took her winning check and bought her husband Jeff a new mower. Besides winning what’s the most exciting part in all of this? In January Kim and Lex will travel back to the rescue she adopted him from, to attend an Open House with demonstrations being given by Nancy Slater. There shouldn’t be a dry eye in the place as these two tell their story of their partnership and the endless possibilities of rescuing a horse.

“From Rescue to Champion”

Continued from Page 19

Like most of our competitors Kim and Lex have their favorite obstacles and their most challenging ones. But what seems to be a common denominator in our ACTHA members is when they recognize the holes in their foundation they go home and work to fix it. For Lex it’s trotting over a tarp or through water on the first attempt. He will walk across just fine, but to enter something at a trot he needs more confidence, so that’s his homework.

Kim said “the best part of the season, along with the winning was getting to travel to different places; ride beautiful trails and camp with great people. This past year has been so much fun and wonderful friendships were developed. Lex has taught me how to be a better leader and rider, and in return has given me a partnership beyond what I ever expected to achieve, even being able to ride him bridleless. We will always face new challenges, but I am better equipped to help him through it.”

Like many members of ACTHA, Kim’s goal was to train her horse, not pursue a title

ACTHA Monthly | January 2015 | 21