Acta Dermato-Venereologica Issue 8, 2017 97-8CompleteContent | Page 22
Secondary Comedones in a Case of Acne Conglobata Correlate with Double-ended Pseudocomedones
in Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Francesco LACARRUBBA, Federica DALL’OGLIO, Maria Letizia MUSUMECI, Maria Rita NASCA and Giuseppe MICALI*
Dermatology Clinic, University of Catania, AOU Policlinico-Vittorio Emanuele, Via Santa Sofia, 78, IT-95123, Catania, Italy. *E-mail:
[email protected]
Accepted Mar 27, 2017; Epub ahead of print Mar 30, 2017
Acne conglobata is a severe variant of inflammatory
acne presenting with abscesses, cystic nodules, and
sinus tracts. Comedones appearing in the late stage of
the disease have been reported and defined as polyporus/
fistulated comedones or secondary comedones (1, 2). We
report here a patient with a large number of blackheads on
his back. The patient was evaluated with dermoscopy and
histopathology. The results were compared with those
from our recent study of double-ended pseudocomedones
in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) (3).
A 50-year-old man with a past history of acne conglo-
bata presented clinically with more than 100 comedones
spread diffusely on his back, mostly distributed in clus-
ters, and arising on a whitish/fibrotic background (Fig.
Fig. 1. Hundreds of clustered comedones on the back in a patient
with a previous history of acne conglobata. Insert: dermoscopy of
a cluster (yellow circle) showing multiple roundish, irregular depressions
with enlarged openings, centred by superficially located or deep-seated
keratin debris and arising on a whitish scar tissue background (×10). The
same pattern was observed in all clusters examined (n = 10).
1). No inflammatory lesions were seen. Ten clusters were
selected randomly for polarized light ×10 dermoscopy
(Dermlite Hybrid ® , 3 Gen, San Juan Capistrano, CA,
USA), all showing the same pattern: the presence of
roundish, irregular depressions with enlarged openings
centred by superficially located or deep-seated kera-
tin debris and always arising on a whitish scar tissue
background of variable depth and morphology (Fig. 1
insert). Histopathology of one lesion showed a horn-filled
horizontally-oriented cavity lined with normal multilay-
ered epithelium and surrounded by fibrosis. There was
no evidence of hair follicle remnants.
The comedones in this case were different from the
primary comedones of acne, which represent the first
step of a later development into inflammatory lesions.
Primary comedones usually appear as single/multiple,
follicular-based black-headed papules. In our patient,
in addition to the different clinical presentation, i.e.
clustering of multiple enlarged blackheads within areas
of cicatricial tissue, all comedones were preceded by
severe acne, and histopathology of one lesion showed
no evidence of hair follicle.
Based on these observations, these lesions should be
considered secondary comedones, representing the final,
scarring outcome of severe acne, commonly acne cong-
lobata, where they are generally observed on the back as
hundreds of lesions. The literature in this field is scant
and, according to the original description, each comedo
is a member of a complex system of interconnected horn-
filled galleries resulting from rupture, abscess formation
and re-encapsulation of adjacent follicular units (2). This
definition and pathogenetic interpretation of such lesions
fit well with our findings.
We compared our results with those of 20 patients
with HS showing numerous so-called double-ended
pseudocomedones located in HS typical body areas (3).
Interestingly, we found striking similarities (Fig. 2): both
secondary comedones in acne conglobata and pseudoco-
medones in HS present as single/multiple lesions, often
arranged in clusters, with negligible or absent inflamma-
tion and always surrounded by cicatricial tissue. Also,
they share similar histopathological features, consisting
of horn-filled cavities lined with multilayered epithelium
with no evidence of follicle structures. This resemblance
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.
Journal Compilation © 2017 Acta Dermato-Venereologica.
doi: 10.2340/00015555-2664
Acta Derm Venereol 2017; 97: 969–970