Acta Dermato-Venereologica 99-3CompleteContent | Page 34

SAVE THE DATE! On May 15, 2020 Acta Dermato-Venereologica will celebrate its 100-year anniversary with a symposium in Stockholm, Sweden. Programme: Chairperson (Olle Larkö) 9.00–10.30 ”ActaDV 100 year; an historic perspective” (Anders Vahlquist) ”Inflammation and wound healing” (tbd) ”Skin fragility and blistering diseases” (Leena Bruckner-Tuderman) 11.00–12.30 ”Psoriasis: News in pathogenesis and therapy” (Jonathan Barker) ”At last – some real progress in atopic dermatitis” (Hywel Williams) Lunch Chairperson (Anders Vahlquist) 13.30–15.00 ”Is permanent cure for genodermatoses in sight?” (Jouni Uitto) ”Melanoma: News in epidemiology and therapy” (Julia Newton-Bishop) ”Itch; scratching the surface is not enough” (Gil Yosipovitch) 15.30–16.30 ”Combatting skin infections: A priority not just in Africa” (Roderick Hay) ”The changing spectrum of STI in Europe” (Angelika Stary) End of meeting” The promising future of ActaDV” (Olle Larkö)