Acta Dermato-Venereologica 99-3CompleteContent | Page 30
Prevalence and Description of Hidradenitis Suppurativa in Down Syndrome: A Cross-sectional
Study of 783 Subjects
Florence POIZEAU 1 , Emilie SBIDIAN 1,2 , Clotilde MIRCHER 3 , Anne-Sophie REBILLAT 3 , Olivier CHOSIDOW 1,2 , Pierre
WOLKENSTEIN 1,2 , Aimé RAVEL 3# and Claire HOTZ 1#
Department of Dermatology, Henri Mondor Hospital, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, 51 avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny,
FR-94000 Créteil, 2 EA EpiDermE 7379, Paris Est University, Créteil, and 3 Jérôme Lejeune Institut, Paris, France. E-mail: florence.poizeau@
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Accepted Nov 20, 2018; E-published Nov 21, 2018
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory
skin disease characterized by recurrent painful deep
nodules and abscesses of the axillary, breast, groin and
anogenital regions (1). The estimated prevalence of
HS in the European general population is 0.1–4.1% (2,
3). HS is thought to be more frequent in patients with
Down syndrome (DS) (4, 5). However, the prevalence
of HS in patients with DS has not been estimated in the
clinical setting.
The following hypothesis of a genetic link with DS
could explain the suggested increased risk of HS in this
population. Gamma-secretase, a transmembrane protease,
plays a key role in HS (6). Gamma-secretase cleaves the
Notch receptor and amyloid precursor protein (APP).
Accumulation of APP in DS may occur due to trisomy
of chromosome 21 in DS, since the gene encoding APP
is located on this chromosome. APP and Notch receptor
are competitive substrates for γ-secretase; therefore it
is possible that processing of the large amount of APP
might occur at the expense of Notch signalling (5). More-
over, because another APP cleavage product stimulates
keratinocyte proliferation, patients with DS might be
susceptible to follicular plugging, which characterizes HS.
The aims of this study were to describe HS and to
assess the prevalence of the condition in a French po-
pulation with DS.
This cross-sectional study of prevalence of HS was performed in a
French centre for DS. Physicians were trained in the identification
of HS and, for every new DS patient aged 8 years and over, they
completed a questionnaire based on the definition of HS. Partici-
pants were asked, “Have you ever had large, painful, deep-seated
nodules or boils?” If the answer was “yes”, and if the lesions were
recurrent and located on compatible areas (groin, armpits, genita-
lia, under the breasts, buttocks), the participant was considered to
have HS. Epidemiological data were collected and all patients with
a diagnosis of HS were referred to the department of dermatology.
Among the 783 participants with DS included in the
study from December 2015 to March 2017, 114 had
HS. The estimated prevalence of HS was 14.6% (95%
confidence interval 12.3–17.2%). The median age of the
DS population was 29 years (range 9–67 years). The sex
ratio of HS and non-HS participants was similar (Table
I). Obesity (body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m 2 ) and a
non-white phototype were more frequent in subjects
with HS than in those without HS (Table I). Only 6/783
participants smoked.
In total, 17 patients were examined by a dermatologist,
and a diagnosis of HS was confirmed in all cases. Eleven
of the 17 patients were female, median age was 22 years,
and median BMI 26.6 kg/m 2 . None of the 17 patients
smoked. None had a family history of HS or an associa-
tion with an inflammatory disease. The disease was mild
in these patients: 9 patients had Hurley stage I disease,
7 had stage II disease, and 1 had stage III disease. The
classical axillary-mammary phenotype was predominant
(10 vs. 5 patients with a follicular phenotype, and 2 with
a gluteal phenotype) (7).
The estimated prevalence of HS in the study population
of 783 participants with DS was 15%. However, mis-
classification bias may have occurred, as not all of the
patients were checked by a dermatologist. To minimize
bias, the physicians in the centre underwent training
in the clinical signs of HS before and during the study
period. Data on any symptoms found were collected.
In addition, age may be a confounding factor, since
individuals with DS are younger than the general popula-
tion. The age distribution in our centre was representative
of the general populations of individuals with DS. In
order to make a more reliable comparison among stud-
ies and to increase the generalizability of our results,
the crude prevalence was age-adjusted using the US DS
population as a standard (n = 78,842 DS individuals) (8).
Table I. Characteristics of patients with Down syndrome with and
without hidradenitis suppurativa (HS)
Characteristics HS
n = 114 Non-HS
n = 669
Sex (female), n (%) 59 (51.8) 304 (45.5)
Age, median (range) 23 (10–53) 31 (9–67)
BMI ≥30 kg/m 2 , n (%)
Non-white phototype, n (%) 35 (33.0)
19 (17.3)
BMI, kg/m 2 , median (range)
109 (16.9)
55 (9.2)
< 10 –4
< 10 –4
BMI: body mass index.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.
Journal Compilation © 2019 Acta Dermato-Venereologica.
26.2 (19.7–59.5) 24.6 (15.2–52.3)
doi: 10.2340/00015555-3095
Acta Derm Venereol 2019; 99: 351–352