Acta Dermato-Venereologica 99-12CompleteContent | Page 35
Acquired Regional Multiple Plaque-like Glomangiomyoma in the First Web Space of the Left Hand
Xu-Yue ZHOU # , Chao LUAN # , Chen-Pu ZHU, Rong LI, Wei ZHANG* and Kun CHEN*
Institute of Dermatology, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology for Skin Disease and STIs, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking
Union Medical College, 12 JiangWangMiao Street, Nanjing Jiangsu, 210042, China. *E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]
These authors contributed equally.
Accepted Aug 26, 2019; E-published Aug 27, 2019
Glomus tumours are benign vascular hamartomas arising
from the glomus body in the reticular dermis. They can
be classified as solitary or multiple forms, with the latter
being subdivided into regional and disseminated types.
Glomangiomyomas are the least common histological
type of glomus tumour (1). We describe here a case of ac-
quired regional multiple plaque-like glomangiomyoma.
A 20-year-old Chinese man presented with an 8-year
history of multiple progressively asymptomatic nodules
on his left hand. Physical examination revealed a plaque-
like, bluish lesion, with overlying coalescent, point to
horsebean-sized, ranging from 2 mm to 20 mm, dull
red-to-tan papules and nodules on the first web space
of the left hand (Fig. 1a). Ultrasound scans revealed
hypoechoic solid masses in the subcutaneous region,
with no obvious blood flow signal (Fig. 1b). A skin
biopsy specimen revealed a well-demarcated tumour in
the dermis, which comprised uniform eosinophilic cyto-
plasmic cells, with round, large hyperchromatic nuclei.
Around large vessels there was a gradual transition from
glomus cells to spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells with
long blunt-ended nuclei (Fig. 1c). Immunohistochemical
examination revealed intensely positive reactions for
smooth muscle actin (SMA) in glomus cells (Fig. 1d),
desmin in muscle bundles (Fig. 1e) and CD31 in blood
Fig. 1. (a) Multiple grouped dull red-to-tan papules and nodules coalescing into bluish plaques on the first web space of the patient’s left hand. (b) The
hypoechoic mass without obvious blood flow signal. (c) A gradual transition from glomus cells to spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells with long blunt-
ended nuclei around vascular spaces (haematoxylin-eosin (HE); ×40). (d) The homogeneous eosinophilic cytoplasmic glomus cells stained positive for
smooth muscle actin (SMA) (×40). (e) Some muscle bundles stained positive for desmin, but negative in glomus cells (×40). (f) Some blood vessels
stained positive for CD31 (×40). (g) The homogeneous eosinophilic cytoplasmic cells stained negative for P63 (×40).
doi: 10.2340/00015555-3308
Acta Derm Venereol 2019; 99: 1188–1189
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.
Journal Compilation © 2019 Acta Dermato-Venereologica.