QUIZ SECTION Advances in dermatology and venereology
ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV
Erythematous Papular Lesions on the Neck : A Quiz
Alice MOUCHARD 1 , Matthias TALLEGAS 2 , Marie-Christine MACHET 2 , 3 , Laurent MACHET 1 , 3 and Hélène CORNILLIER 1 , 3 *
Department of Dermatology , 2 Department of Pathology , CHRU Tours , FR-37044 Tours , and 3 PRES Centre , Val de Loire University , University of Tours , Tours , France . * E-mail : drhcornillier @ gmail . com
A 14-year-old boy presented with an 8-month history of asymptomatic papules on his neck . The lesions first appeared on the left side and spread to the right side . The patient ’ s personal and family medical histories were unremarkable , and he was not taking any medication . Clinical examination revealed erythematous papules with umbilicated and keratotic centres , arranged in linear and annular patterns on the neck ( Fig . 1 ).
Fig . 1 . ( a , b ) Erythematous papules with a keratotic centre on the left side of the neck . ( c ) Papules grouped in an annular pattern on the right side of the neck .
No other lesions were noted on skin examination and the clinical examination was otherwise normal . Complete blood count , C-reactive protein level , and renal and liver function test results were within normal limits . A skin biopsy was performed ( Fig . 2 ).
What is your diagnosis ? See next page for answer .
Fig . 2 . ( a ) Intra-epidermal pseudo-cavity connected to the surface , filled with elastin and collagen fibres . Note the thickened epidermis and epithelial mild dermal inflammatory cells infiltrate ( hematin-phloxin-saffron , × 200 ). ( b ) Higher magnification showing fragmented elastin fibres filling the intraepidermal cavity ( orcein × 400 ).
doi : 10.2340 / 00015555-2971 Acta Derm Venereol 2018 ; 98 : 822 – 823
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license . www . medicaljournals . se / acta Journal Compilation © 2018 Acta Dermato-Venereologica .