Acta Dermato-Venerelogica Issue No 7, 2017 97-7CompleteContent | Page 29

QUIZ SECTION Advances in dermatology and venereology

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Is This Melanoma ? A Quiz
Stefano VERALDI , Paolo PONTINI , Francesco SALA and Diego TOSI Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation , Università degli Studi di Milano , IRCCS Foundation , Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico , via Pace n . 9 , IT-20122 Milan , Italy . E-mail : stefano . veraldi @ unimi . it
A 46-year-old man was referred to our department by his general practitioner with a clinical diagnosis of melanoma on the fifth left toe . The patient reported that he was in good general health and not on any systemic drug therapy . The slightly painful lesion had appeared approximately 6 weeks earlier , during a trip to Fortaleza ( Brazil ).
Dermatological examination revealed a pigmented , slightly infiltrated lesion , approximately oval in shape , 0.8 × 0.5 cm , brownish-black in colour , with poorly defined
Fig . 1 . Pigmented , slightly infiltrated lesion , oval in shape , brownish-black in colour , with poorly defined borders . borders ( Fig . 1 ). Dermoscopy of the lesion is shown in Fig . 2 .
What is your diagnosis ? See next page for answer .
Fig . 2 . Grey-yellowish round lesion with a central black pore corresponding to the posterior portion of the abdomen of the flea . A haemorrhagic ring surrounds the whole lesion . doi : 10.2340 / 00015555-2666 Acta Derm Venereol 2017 ; 97 : 868 – 869
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license . www . medicaljournals . se / acta Journal Compilation © 2017 Acta Dermato-Venereologica .