Treatment of Cutaneous Pseudolymphoma: A Systematic Review
Diana MIGUEL, Melanie PECKRUHN and Peter ELSNER
Department of Dermatology, University Hospital, Jena, Germany
Cutaneous pseudolymphoma (CPL) is a reactive po-
lyclonal T- or B-cell lymphoproliferative process. CPL
may appear as localized or disseminated skin lesions.
While most cases of CPL are idiopathic, they may also
occur as a response to, for example, contact dermati-
tis, arthropod reactions, and bacterial infections. CPL
can be classified based on its clinical features, but all
variants have similar histopathological patterns of
either predominantly B-cell infiltrates, T-cell infiltra-
tes, or mixed T/B-cell infiltrates. The prognosis of CPL
is good, but the underlying disease process should be
taken into account. If an antigenic stimulus is identi-
fied, it should be removed. In patients with idiopathic
CPL, a close follow-up control strategy should be adop-
ted. The aim of this systematic review is to summarize
all reported treatments for CPL. The review was based
on articles from the PubMed database, using the query
“skin pseudolymphoma treatment”, English and Ger-
man, about “human” subjects, and published between
1990 and 2015 documenting adequate treatment and/
or aetiology. Mainly individual case reports and small
case series were found. Treatment options include to-
pical and intralesional agents, systemic agents, and
physical modalities. The final part of the review pro-
poses a treatment algorithm for CPL according to each
aetiology, based on the literature of the last 25 years.
Future research should focus on randomized