ACT Dance Model Sing Magazine Issue 28 | Page 9



What ’ s the worst thing you ’ ve heard about yourself in a performance ?
Well , the worst thing I have heard can also be the best thing . I never get tired of hearing , “ My gosh ! You were so annoying in such and such !” I try to embrace my inner annoying dork .
I understand you don ' t sleep a full 8 hours . What do you do instead of sleeping ?
David Banks in one of his early metal bands . If you want to see David Banks banging on the drums , be sure to check out the current band he ’ s in The 3 Heads !
to be funny , and then get a weird look for laughing . I have seen so many dramatic actors ' careers almost expire when it comes to their looks fading , but there really is no expiration date on comedy . Some of the greats just got better with age . Don Knotts , Gene Wilder , Steve Martin , Leslie Nielsen . I knew comedy was the marathon run but would last longer in my opinion . Tougher to break into but well worth it . There is an old saying “ Dying is easy , comedy is hard .”
After being in literally hundreds of commercials , when did you make the move to film ?
Take multiple naps ! It ’ s my new favorite thing to do . I never need an excuse to sleep . I can have an entire pot of coffee and still knock out if you give me a bed . I think Britney Spears said it best when she said that sleeping is her second favorite thing to do . Not sure I want to know what her first is .
When you were a kid , what were you afraid of ? Are you still afraid of that now ?
Repeating high school ! I absolutely hated it . I still have nightmares that I ’ m back in school repeating my senior year for the fifth time !
What ’ s the best prank someone pulled on you ? Who pulled the prank ?
They say commercials are a stepping stone to TV / Film . I have watched many of my favorite comedic actors start with commercials . Bryan Cranston , Steve Carell , Tina Fey , Paul Rudd and Jason Bateman . To this day I still enjoy the whole commercial process a bit more . I starred in my first film in 2004 and was part of an amazing cast . I felt very fortunate . But the whole time I was there I was worried about missing commercial auditions .
Speaking of films , you have one coming out soon . HALF MAGIC with Heather Graham , Chris D ’ Elia , Thomas Lennon and Molly
Shannon .
That was a blast ! Heather wrote and directed this comedy and after reading the script I couldn ’ t stop laughing ! She is such a natural . Plus being able to play a fast talking neurotic stalker was a bit of a perk . Maybe not much of a stretch .
You just finished shooting 5TH OF JULY starring Jaleel White and Gary Anthony Williams . Tell us about that .
Working with director Camilo Vila was an absolute pleasure . He has a real gift for comedy . Jaleel ’ s character Orlando just wants to spread his father ' s ashes in the National State Park and mayhem ensues . It ’ s full of twists and comedic turns .
I had a roommate at the time and I had an early shoot for some commercial . He was doing some multi-level marketing for vitamins and gave me a handful saying they would help boost my day . They ended up being melatonin and I literally couldn ’ t keep my eyes open .
I think he was getting me back for pouring out his vodka and replacing it with rubbing alcohol ... just a guess . ���
David Banks Website : www . davidbanks . tv & Twitter : / DYNAMITEDORK
ILANA RAPP : Follow her on Twitter @ LizardLadyNJ and also remember to follow @ NYCastings for the latest New York casting notices and blogs ! Please email her at ilanarapp @ gmail . com with any questions or ideas you ’ d like to see in future articles . Ilana Rapp is a media-savvy Generation Xer with instinctive wit , quick humor and a taste for deep human emotions . As a former ( child ) actress with Broadway , film and television credits , she is adept at , well , lots of things . She currently blogs on The Huffington Post and writes entertainment pieces for NY- Castings . She is a huge fan of the television show " V ." Ask her why her favorite number is 22 . Thanks for reading !
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