ACT Dance Model Sing Magazine Issue 28 | Page 17

magazine then went deeper into what we may or may not know about people we come across every day of our lives and the secrets we all hide from each other big and small . As the night got later , we started writing a synopsis of a narrative in which a gregarious and seemingly kind young man of a small neighborhood hides a dark secret in his flat . Thus the film was born .”

magazine then went deeper into what we may or may not know about people we come across every day of our lives and the secrets we all hide from each other big and small . As the night got later , we started writing a synopsis of a narrative in which a gregarious and seemingly kind young man of a small neighborhood hides a dark secret in his flat . Thus the film was born .”

Denver helped to imagine and write the character in which he then played . “ Preparing to play Ryan , the lead character , was a little funny because just before starting a scene , I would be counting how many oranges I needed to buy to go with the lunch for my cast and crew ,” explained Denver . “ It really didn ’ t take as much analysis as other characters I ’ ve played and I think that is so because I helped with the original idea of the film . It was like I knew him and what drives his convictions already .”
a seriousness and boldness that one cannot forget easily ,” he continued . “ I have always enjoyed the work of Forest Whitaker because he has an edge ; something frightening but also enticing at the same time that I don ’ t think I see in many actors . He would be one actor I aspire to work with .”
Zimbabwe- British actor Denver Isaac is an established working actor in an industry which can be tough to break into . He is quick to share his experience and knowledge to those that ask . “ If I were to sit across a young actor about to start his or her career , I ’ d like to think I would have lots to share about my experience but the main thing I would want to repeat time and time again is for that actor to remain fearless in chasing and realizing the dream they have discovered within them . You have to follow your dreams . Only you can make them come true .”
The seasoned British actor recently had a starring role in ‘ A . D The Bible Continues ’ on NBC playing the disciple ‘ James ’ who , as it is written in the Bible , was the brother of John . “ It was a great role to play especially because most of my scenes were with actors I admire including Babou Ceesay . James and John were known as the ‘ Brothers of Thunder ’ because of their faithful characters flawed by huge tempers and he , Babou , played my brother . I will always remember playing this part because a little while before I got the part in this show , my father passed away and predicted I would do a show like this . He had become a Preacher later in his life . It was amazing to be part of such an important project ; the producers , Mark and Roma Downey went out of their way to make everyone feel comfortable which actually makes it an experience , not just a project to remember .”
With his acting career fully cemented we asked Denver if he had a particular genre of film , TV show or actor he would love to work with . “ I love drama . The drama you find in shows like ‘ House of Cards ’ and ‘ How To Get Away With Murder ’ because they thrill whilst revealing such truths about ourselves and what drives us individually as people . That is the kind of work I will always want to be involved with . Otherwise , I am also drawn to a lot of comedy . ‘ Transparent ’ has been a favorite show of mine for a while now ; their narrative is hilarious but it is also matched with
When Denver is not acting he can be found volunteering or running a marathon . “ I have supported SOS Children Villages for a few years now . This charity gives you an amazing opportunity to care for orphans all around the world , I have been supporting a village in my native country , Zimbabwe . This charity and others that focus on education for children especially in 3rd world countries are so dear to me because I was an orphan myself once upon a time . Aside from my charity work , I have run two marathons ; one in London and another in Cape Town , South Africa thus far . Thirteen more to go in aid of this cause because I enjoy running so much .”
Denver ’ s final thought to us at ACT Magazine , “ At the best of times , I become philosophical about everything and there is nothing that epitomizes that than a little poem by Hafiz I once read alone some time ago , it goes ;
“ How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all its beauty ? It felt the encouragement of light against its being , otherwise , we all remain too frightened .”
Photos courtesy of EMR Media ���
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