ACT Dance Model Sing Magazine Issue 28 | Page 11

TM magazine Don't Wait Create Your Own Opportunities by Michael John Foster The best opportunities are often the ones you create for yourself. In a world and more. It was a huge amount of work, but the sacrifices I made in labor of casting directors, producers and other performers, it's easy to drown in the returned to me exponentially. The success of the show came back to me in distractions of what you "should be." You may think to yourself: I should be greater directing and performing opportunities. I also had one of the most thinner. I should be blonder. I should taller, prettier, more talented and so on, fulfilling artistic experiences I've ever had through seeing my vision realized, when all you really want is a chance. Don't we all just want a chance to show that rather than waiting to hope someone else would see my potential. we've got what it takes? Don't we all want an opportunity to express whatever it is that's buried in our hearts? The easiest way to claim that opportunity is not Tomorrow morning, I will do what actors do. I will go to another audition, but to wait for it, but to create it. I go as someone who has made an impact. I'm not just an actor hoping to be picked like a kid in PE class. I go as one with a measure of success and confidence In my area, hundreds of actors show up for every casting call. Few are chosen because of the results of my efforts. I'll also leave that audition to go perform and often the work is of such little impact that it leaves performers desiring another show that I recently wrote, which will open to a sold out audience. for more fulfillment. Many are no longer waiting for the perfect role to come along but rather, they are producing it themselves. Changes in our culture have I'm not penning this article to exalt my own abilities, but rather to excite you made self-producing easier than ever. The Internet, with formats like YouTube, about the possibilities. You don't have to wait to be the performer you want to Vine, ConnectPal and others, mean that not only can you create video content, be. You can create your own big breaks. you can create a whole network with subscribers, where you are paid for your work. Technology allows you to be seen by infinitely more viewers online than Perhaps you're not sure how to develop your own project, how to grow an you would be in a conventional theatre. Additionally, simple-to-use apps like audience or how to market it online. There are lots of great resources. My GarageBand, Werdsmith, and Drawing Desk can supplement your efforts as tools friends and I would like to be one of those resources. We specialize in helping to create a professional brand. artists reach their goals. Our team has consultants in every major market in every genre of performance. Check out our website and let us know how we can help My first experience as a self-producing artist came three years ago. I was you. . dissatisfied with how few shows were being produced while also wanting to bring positive attention to my little hometown. I decided that my area, with  its beautiful wildlife preserve, was the perfect place to produce an outdoor Photos courtesy of Michael John Foster production of Sondheim's INTO THE WOODS. My biggest challenge was the lack of funding, but I had heard of a new idea called crowd-funding. I educated myself on this process and then created my pitch to get people to donate to the production. In a month, I had all the financial backing I needed to produce the show and generated enough interest to sell out every performance. I learned a lot in the process including how to design programs, websites, ticketing systems, ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michael John Foster is an accomplished performer, director and teacher who works in Europe and U.S. He is the founder of the Program for Lyric Theatre in Italy and specializes in helping performers develop their marketable qualities. For more information, check out and Page 11