Chipanova from the Physical Computing with
Raspberry Pi elective, won the second place in the
Hack for Innovation Hackathon, in competition
with 20 crews composed predominantly of
students at the Technical University in Sofia,
the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at
Sofia University, or actively employed software
developers. In just 48 hours, team MAL Inc. Oh
created a solution for taking care of pets in the
absence of their humans.
At the Spring National Physics Competition in
Varshetz, held March 8-10, ACSers reaped 5 out
of the 9 possible medals in the age groups they
competed in. Remarkably, team-wise ACS seniors ranked first in the country and our juniors got the silver!
The regional round of the IT Olympiad took place on March 9, and the outstanding presence and remarkable
projects of the ACS students qualified them for the national IT Olympiad. Seniors Atanas Pashov and
Taniel Gulian presented their invention: the EcoScanner mobile app, which provides information, including
manufacturing materials, about products made in Bulgaria after scanning their bar code. Ninth grader
Ognyan Trayanov and Junior Boris Radulov showcased their Enhanced Reality Teaching which is an app
that gives students the opportunity to have their textbooks at the tip of their fingers so they can save both
money and the environment. The Platform for Learning English (EnglishKo) by ninth graders Yoana Stankova
and Kaloyan Yanchev helps students learn English easier by employing different levels, interactive problems,
and various tests on different topics such as animals, colors, clothes, etc.
History blooms with examples of journeys emerging to be more important than the destination. This seems
to be the case for 9th grader Angel Karchev who came within 0.25 points from being first at his grade in the
History & Civilization Olympiad in Sofia.
On March 23-24, 2019, three ACS seniors successfully accomplished their Senior Independent Honors Project,
the ACS Model United Nations Conference. Supervised by Dr. Zornitsa Semkova and with SAF funding, the
conference was organized by Aleksandra Zidarova, Vladislava Mateva, and Christo Simov, and was made
possible by the efforts of the members of the ACS MUN Club who chaired the sessions and helped with
whatever tasks were necessary to perform in the course of the conference. Among them, the contributions
of Joana Nikolova, Simona Barokova, Yoan Uluzov, and Lora Dimitrova deserve special recognition.