ACPA College/University Membership 1 | Page 8

features marquee speakers; innovative educational opportunities; remote learning experiences; and Career and Career Central, which is included in Convention Professional registration. Development Our Annual Convention provides innovative educational programming, including HEd talk sessions, Genius Labs, Pecha Kucha talks, #ACPATrendingNow sessions, and the Next Generation Conference for undergraduate students interested in the issues directly impacting our work. Past speakers include: Career Central provides career development through a variety of resources and includes our year-round online job search portal and in-person events at our Annual Convention and Summer Career Central. Our résumé bank allows employers to recruit their ideal candidates yearround. Institutional members enjoy a discounted rate for position postings and complimentary webinars. Career Central at our Annual Convention provides both employers and candidates with professional development and the opportunity to meet face-to-face. We have over 650 résumés in our bank Cory Booker Brené Brown Nikki Giovanni Lisa Ling Erik Qualman John Quiñones Our 2014 Convention included: timeline deliveries users registered for liv e streaming events educational sessions