ACHIEVEability Fall-Winter 2013 Newsletter Nov. 2013 | Page 7

family self-sufficiency program highlights ( j u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 – j u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 ) We are proud to share some highlights of role models, our high school graduation rate of the great work that our coaches, maintenance 98% is close to twice that of the local area! team and support staff are delivering in the ACHIEVEability collaborated with Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSSP). During Turning Points for Children for the provision the past fiscal year (July 1, 2012 -June 30, 2013), of parenting classes for our participants. ACHIEVEability provided supportive services for Classes run in 12-week segments throughout 468 people in the FSSP, including 310 children the year. Participation is monitored along and 158 parents. Over 83% of our parents were with participants’ understanding of parenting pursuing post-secondary concepts and practices. degrees and approximately Particular emphasis was our high school 87% maintained also placed on financial employment, even in education to develop graduation rate of 98% this difficult job market. sound financial practices is close to twice that Importantly, parents who among our families. In of the local area! earned degrees during partnership with PNC the year increased their Bank, the program hourly wages from $9.76 to $16.20; on average, incorporated both a 6-week Fundamentals of increasing their annual income by over $13,000. Money Management Workshop and an 8-week We also continue to break the generational cycle Homebuyers Club. The Money Management of poverty by encouraging the youth in our Workshops focused on banking basics in an program to stay in school and enroll in college. effort to encourage timely bill payments and Thanks to a lot of their hard work and our parent reverse the “under-banked” status of many of our families. The Homebuyers Club targeted our parents who are close to earning their degrees and who are ready to research the possibility of home ownership. In addition, ACHIEVEability, in collaboration with the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, provided Individual Development Accounts (IDA) to its families. The IDAs matched the savings of those enrolled 2 to 1. Participating parents saved $2,000 and, in return, received an additional $4,000. IDAs also helped our parents learn financial skills in saving, budgeting and money management. The funds saved through the IDAs were used toward the settlement costs to buy a home. With the support of your donations, our goal is to maintain vital services such as counseling and emergency child care, restore some of the supportive services we previously provided such as vocational assessments and scheduled financial aid, increase resources in areas including job skills, and continue the implementation of our Client Track system. MEET JAMILA: D I RE C T O R O F SELF-SUFFICIENCY Jamila Harris-Morrison, our Director of Self-Sufficiency, has been a part of the ACHIEVEability family since 2006. She began as a Self-Sufficiency Coach helping to transform the lives of numerous families. In her current role, Jamila oversees the case management of the families in our program and develops our programming efforts. What do you find to be the biggest challenges for the families in the ACHIEVEability Family Self-Sufficiency Program? The biggest challenge is balancing life. At times it can be overwhelming for our parents, who are working full-time, attending school part-time, and are also committed to attending to the needs of their family. ACHIEVEability believes that stable housing is paramount to attaining self-sufficiency.  Tell us about the United Way Individual Development Account (IDA) Program. The IDA Program makes it possible for many of our parents to become first-time homeowners. Participants save $2,000 and are matched with $4,000 to use toward a down payment and closing costs. The program also has financial education requirements to ensure the participants are knowledgeable and empowered buyers. What are some future goals for the Family Self-Sufficiency Program? With poverty rates so high in Philadelphia, our goal through the Family Self-Sufficiency ACHIEVEability Newsletter FALL - WINTER 2013 E D U C A T I O N . H O U S I N G . S E L F - S U F F I C I E N C Y. Program is to help even more families permanently move out of poverty. Our current priority is the implementation and full utilization of a new state-of- the-art database so that we can better measure our families’ progress and improve our program outcomes. How can people help ACHIEVEability families on their quest to self-sufficiency? There are many ways to help. You can always donate to our program, volunteer to paint a home for an incoming family, facilitate an employment workshop, mentor a parent or tutor a child. If you are unsure, you can contact us because we always have a project that would benefit from extra help. 7