ACHC Surveyor Spring 2014 | Page 12

THE SURVEYOR I SPRING 2014 ACCREDITATION UNIVERSITY ACCREDITATION UNIVERSITY ACHC’s commitment to providers is to offer exceptional educational resources that prepare healthcare organizations to achieve and maintain accreditation. Introduced this year, the ACHC Accreditation University allows providers to choose from a range of educational resources including service-specific workshops, workbooks, audit tools, and compliance checklists. The workshops are designed to prepare healthcare organizations for the initial or renewal accreditation process. ACHC’s educational resources are written by Clinical Compliance Educators who have extensive experience in their respective fields. ACCREDITATION GUIDE TO SUCCESS Let ACHC help you through the accreditation process with an ACHC Accreditation Guide to Success workbook. Each workbook is a program-specific, comprehensive tool that offers guidance on the meanings and requirements of each ACHC standard. The workbooks were developed by knowledgeable program experts and Surveyors to assist organizations in preparing for a successful survey experience. Specifically designed to help providers develop more efficient policies and procedures, these workbooks include compliance hints, sample audit tools, sample Surveyor questions, and suggestions for best practices. There are also self tests and checklists to help ensure a successful on-site survey experience. The workbooks, available for Home Health, Private Duty, Hospice, DMEPOS and Pharmacy, each contain the following information:  Step by step overview of the accreditation process ACHC Accreditation Guide to Success workbooks are great tools to help prepare an organization for an on-site survey. Using the checklists, self-assessment questions, templates, etc., will enable clients to more fully understand the standards and assess if their policies and procedures and patient care practices meet the standards. The Corridor Group is proud of our relationship with ACHC by offering the ACHC Accreditation Guide to Success workbooks on our web store.” SHERYL JONES DIRECTOR OF PRODUCT SERVICES THE CORRIDOR GROUP 12 I 855-YES-ACHC (855-937-2242) I  Explanation of each accreditation standard  Practical guidance on what Surveyors will look for  Compliance checklist  Personnel chart audit tools  Self tests