ACE21_Flipbook_6-10 V3 6-10-21 | Page 13

June 14 – 17
June 14 – 17

Special Events

Diversity and Inclusion Clubhouse
Thursday , June 17 | 10:00 – 11:00 a . m .
Diversity and Inclusion are journeys and not just destinations . We should remember that we ’ re all in this journey together . Step into the D & I Clubhouse and join your peers for an evening of engaging conversation and collaboration . Let ’ s make our “ water ” world a better place one conversation at a time . Special Guests Melissa Elliott , AWWA President and Chi Ho Sham , incoming AWWA president , will be in attendance .
Best ACE All Virtual Commercial
Thursday , June 17 | 12:00 – 12:30 p . m .
AWWA is asking you to vote for your favorite ACE Commercial . They may not be as expensive as Super Bowl commercials ; however they show dedication and passion for our water sector . View the commercials after select professional sessions or visit our commercial voting site to cast your vote . The top three vote-getters will advance to a live vote .
The Last Drop - Cybersecurity
Thursday , June 17 | 12:30 – 1:15 p . m . See page 25 or 47 for details .
Presidential Gavel Passing
Thursday , June 17 | 2:00 – 3:00 p . m .
Join AWWA leaders , the Technical & Education Council ( TEC ) and the New England Section at the Presidential Gavel Passing ceremony to hear from new AWWA President , Dr . Chi Ho Sham .
Water For People at ACE21
Founded by AWWA in 1991 , Water For People is a global nonprofit that helps people bring clean water and sanitation solutions to their communities for generations to come . As a strong partner of AWWA , Water For People will have a virtual booth at ACE21 and will be celebrating the Kenneth J . Miller Founders ’ Awardees in conjunction with the program . For more information on how to connect with Water For People at ACE21 , please visit www . waterforpeople . org / ace .
Water For People Jazz on Tap
Join the San Diego CA-NV AWWA Section Water For People Committee on the evening of Sunday , June 13th for Jazz on Tap , a high-energy jazz event that will highlight local San Diego artists in a relaxed , outdoor setting . This event will be both virtual and in-person . For more information and to purchase tickets , visit waterforpeople . org / jazz-on-tap .
Water Equation
Register for WE Golf ! Virtual Tournament & WE Race for Water by visiting AWWA Water Equation ’ s website and show your support for our water workforce !