ACE Issue 33 2023 | Page 38


Discover your component sourcing sweet-spot

The way the OEM world does business has changed . Especially in light of the pandemic , which highlighted significant vulnerabilities in global logistics and supply risks . Now , a universal drive towards real time manufacturing is resulting in UK manufacturers re-evaluating their offshoring business case in an effort to re-balance the geographical , cultural and linguistic flaws in their supply chain .

For customers served by Surrey-based technical injection and compression moulding specialist and tool design firm Broanmain Plastics , ‘ rightshoring ’, also referred to as ‘ shoring resilience ’, are the phrases of the moment . It ’ s an attractive middle-ground that enables OEMs to adopt a hybrid sourcing strategy that considers multiple factors . Including the end-to-end supply chain from tool design to moulding production , finishing and assembly , along with all the logistical processes and associated stock management costs .
Cucumber Lighting Controls is one of Broanmain ’ s newest customers that is making this hybrid rightshoring approach work for them . Very much a British business , the founding investment partners are eager to retain as much manufacturing domestically as feasible .
Since the two firms started collaborating in mid-2022 , Broanmain has project managed the development of 11 moulding tools ready for Cucumber ’ s market launch of four innovative lighting control products next month . The team is already working in close partnership with Cucumber on subsequent product phases .
Moulding of the components will take place at Broanmain ’ s Dorking HQ , enabling Cucumber to call-off parts as required . The PCB assemblies meanwhile are being sourced from a trusted Chinese supplier with a UK-based distribution hub . Giving the astute lighting control firm a more balanced and economic risk structure .
“ Given our teams ’ longstanding reputation in the lighting control market ,
Product Manager at Cucumber Lighting Controls John Mercer briefs Kamil Stec on phase 2 of the tooling requirements for their innovative lighting sensors
Just as OEMs need access to diverse skillsets , lessening over-reliance on a single import source can be sensible .
we ’ ve been able to apply this insight throughout our product development and use our muscle to configure a shoring supply chain model that is priced competitively , yet also gives us the dynamic localised production control and short lead times to flex to order patterns ,” shares Cucumber ’ s Product Manager John Mercer .
Mitigating risks As with many westernised economies , global competition has steered UK manufacturing to leverage its advantages . Investing in automation and hi-tech machinery , as well as meeting specialised local requirements , including project management and fast turnarounds , is shifting the tide towards this blend of reshoring and outsourcing . For many Broanmain customers , the benefits of sending the toolmaking to China and reshoring ongoing production of the component are multiple . As well as being convenient and cost efficient , the export price differential as a result of shipping and reduced holding inventory can be significant .
Dealing with a supplier that ’ s located in another continent , where the culture , language and working practices are so removed from domestic manufacturers , can be a daunting prospect . However , thanks to its global manufacturing approach , Broanmain is able to manage the entire toolmaking process on behalf of clients , from start to finish .
“ From our UK office we assist with the initial design of the component , which we send to China where the tooling is created . Our in-house engineers then scrutinise the design and make any changes ,” explains Engineering Manager Kamil Stec . “ Once the customer has signed off on the tool design , our tool partners manufacture the tool and ship it to us for sample tests .”